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Access to model portfolios of
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Access to model portfolios of
Op basis van 1 jaar lidmaatschap
Access to model portfolios of
During your order, you can choose your favourite continent(s) under bronze and silver.
These new portfolios have an advanced algorithm with cutting-edge technology and strategy.
They are more flexible and dynamic and have improved cash control.
They are benchmarked against the MSCI World Index.
TradeWest is limited to the continents around the Atlantic Ocean
InvestGlobal trades on more than 1,500 stocks worldwide.
TradeWest is offered as an option (+8 euros/month) to Silver and InvestGlobal as an option to Gold.
All fees above include 21% VAT and are based on 1-year membership.
TransStock subscribers enjoy a 50% discount on the above rates.
When subscribing online: duration times two
And if you want a 1 year membership: only possible by wire with the chosen rate x 6
Choose the cheapest. For 29 euros per month you have access to the 8 most important EU portfolios.
That is enough.
That includes the new AmsBrxDub portfolio. A combination of the strongest stocks from Amsterdam, Brussels and Dublin.
Unless you want to follow the model portfolios and buy selections from other EU or US markets.
You can always upgrade later.
My advice is to buy all the stocks in your favourite model portfolio from the start.
Compare it to joining a fund: by joining, you own all the shares in the fund at once.
Experience shows that your return falls when you combine stock selections from several model portfolios.
Then join us now for 2 years. Or for 3 years.
This is the only way to benefit from a discount of up to 30%.
After all, StockChart only rewards loyal members with a discount. And with a return.
Paul Gins,
Manager CompuGraphics.
Designer and responsible editor of